Название журнала на английском
Scientific journal ISSN 2542-0372

О журнале Выпуски Правила Олимпиады Учительская Поиск Личный портфель

no name 1

Задание 3. Связное монологическое высказывание на определённую тему

с опорой на план



Introduction (Вступление)

I am going to give a talk about …

I am going to tell you a few words about …

Now I would like to give a talk about …



Main body

(Основная часть)

Средства логической связи:

As for me – удобно вводить информацию о себе

I think, in my opinion – подходят для выражения своего мнения

Of course – удобно вводить очевидную информацию

Besides (кроме того) – помогает добавить любое предложение, связать предложения

To tell the truth,

Unfortunately – удобно вводить не самую позитивную информацию

План для раскрытия аспектов (пунктов):

А) о чем говорить? – помогают ключевые слова плана;

B) подбираем средства логической связи;

C) как говорить? – необходим жесткий порядок слов: подлежащее + сказуемое + дополнение (____ _______ -------)



Conclusion (Заключение)


In conclusion (I should say that) в заключение

All in all,

Любые прилагательные

3 основных прилагательных:






You are going to give a talk about a TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and to speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

what kinds of films and programmes you like and dislike

what your favourite programmes are and why

when and how many hours a week you watch TV

You have to talk continuously.




Now I would like to give a talk about TV.


Main body

what kinds of films and programmes you like and dislike

As for me I like films about love and programmes about sport. And I don’t like films about the police and news programmes.

what your favourite programmes are and why

Of course, my favourite programmes are talk shows and Muz TV because I like music and I think that talk show is interesting.

when and how many hours a week you watch TV

Unfortunately, I don’t know how many hours a week I watch TV. I watch TV always. I watch TV when I eat in the morning and I watch TV in the evening when I help my mum.




Finally, I would like to say that TV is great.